How your mobile pin number could be stolen using thermal cameras > Security > How your mobile pin number could be stolen using thermal cameras

Frauds adopt multiple ways such as scamming or phishing to steal/ possess a cell phone’s PIN number. Researchers have recently discovered a new way to do so.

They’ve warned us by setting forth that, after typing the password or pin number on the  Smartphone’s screen a temperature impression/stamp is left and the hidden pattern can be traced by trailing it. Stealing this code is not so hard. All it requires is a thermal-imaging camera. It captures the exact sections of the Smartphone screen which have been pressed.  The pin number can be stolen not only when it’s typed but also within the 30 seconds window. The Atlantic; a news agency in the United States has notified this in a report.

In a conference regarding human-computer interactions in May 2017 that would be taking place in the USA; researchers of Stuttgart and Ludwig Macmillan University of Munich would be submitting their research papers on the new ways of pin hacking.

Researchers have remarked that PINs and Patterns are vastly used as knowledge-based authentication schemes. But, now thermal cameras have reached an affordable range. Consequently, the privacy issue of the devices is getting compromised.

Hackers can launch thermal attacks by using thermal cameras. They can trace and access pin numbers after someone types them.

Research shows that pin numbers can be retrieved up to 90 percent accurate if the image is captured within 15 seconds of it being typed.

The percentage falls to 80 percent after 30 seconds. But the possibility lowers down to 35 percent if it reaches 45 seconds.

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Category Security

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