How to remove fake Twitter and Instagram users > Social Media > How to remove fake Twitter and Instagram users

Is your business marketing not successful on Instagram or Twitter? One reason could be your follower. Are you surprised? If you have a strong follower base, your marketing will be successful and I say the opposite. Yes, I’m telling the truth; when most of your followers are fake, it will render your Social Media Marketing unsuccessful.

Since the main objective of our marketing is to connect with followers, to enhance engagement with them, so, of course, you have to keep your account free from Fake followers.

We can use different types of tools and apps in order to easily get rid of these Fake followers.

1. Fakers App

Fakers App is one of the most important applications in order to eliminate Fake followers from Twitter followers. By using this tool, you can easily understand which accounts are Fake accounts or Empty. All you need is to connect the app to your own Twitter account. Once you connect your account, you can see a report about your followers in less than a minute. You can use this app for free. However, there is a premium version that will block all Fake accounts automatically. You can use the premium version to save time.

Fakers App
Fakers App

2. Twitter Audit

Another popular tool for you to segregate fake followers from all Twitter followers is Twitter Audit. This tool separates 5000 followers first and gives them a score in different ways. Scoring is determined based on their “Followers” and “Following”. The number of their tweets and the latest tweets are also checked. They are given scores based on these analyses and Fake accounts have been fixed on the basis of these scores. You must connect with your Twitter account to use this tool. To use this tool, you need to connect with your Twitter account.

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Twitter Audit
Twitter Audit

3. Fakefollowers

Fakefollowers is one of the free tools at Socialbakers, the social analytic company.

Socialbakers, a social analytics company, offers a tool named “Fakefollowers” to check a random sample of 100 of your followers against a list of criteria. These criteria include a follower-to-following ratio, red flag (spammy) words, a high percentage of tweets that are retweets or links, and more. Taking these in consideration, Fakefollowers defines an account as inactive if it hasn’t tweeted in the past 90 days or sent fewer than three tweets.

To check a suspicious account, type in the address of the Twitter account and click Check. You must grant access to information on your Twitter account to use this tool. After you grant access, you can view an analysis of your Twitter followers. It will generate a report for you at the end showing suspicious accounts with no recent activities. A “Block All” button will let your block all these reported accounts.

Socialbakers offers their subscribers to use Fakefollowers for free. If you have a large follower following you, as a free user you are limited to using this service only 10 times a day.



Now you know the story! To make your Instagram and Twitter marketing successful, free your account from fake accounts and these tools will help you to do it.

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