Facebook Ad Retargeting: How Does Facebook Get The Whereabouts of Our Visited Websites?

WebTechRiser.com > Social Media > Facebook Ad Retargeting: How Does Facebook Get The Whereabouts of Our Visited Websites?

You may have noticed this. You have recently visited Amazon or any other online market-based website and gone to a product page and taken a look at it. Then you open your Facebook and saw that the same product ad shines in front of your eyes.

“Oh, God! Facebook steals all my information!”

Are you anxious about your privacy? Are you anxious about how my favorite product was found on Facebook? It’s scary! So what are you doing on any website, Facebook is going to know it all.

The real thing is that Facebook gets data from the advertiser. The advertiser installs a Facebook tracking system on its website, which is called Facebook Pixel.

Now, if you visit that website, the tracker will remember the webpage or product you have visited. Since the system is on Facebook, Facebook can easily identify you. Because you are logged into Facebook.

The advertiser has already placed ads on that product on Facebook and asked to follow the re-targeting data. Facebook has recognized you well. Facebook also knows about you that you are interested in the product and went to the product page.

So, to remind you of that product, Facebook will present its advertisement to you. It is such that you will just view that product page, but not buy it; it will not let it happen.

Google also follows the same system. There is no issue of data stealing here.

If you have so much concern about your data, browse in private mode (for Mozilla Firefox) or, incognito mode (for Google Chrome).

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All website-based businesses follow every move of their customers. What are they going to the page, whether they are looking at the product, where are they commenting or liking or keeping them on a wish list? Keeping everything in the database.

Also, cookies are stored on the user’s computer for a specific period. Based on the cookies or database-based browsing history, those visitors are later greeted by the advertisers when these returning visitors visit these websites or, even more, presented with the product’s list, or their wish list in front of them.

According to the EU policy, every website must show a cautionary notice to the visitors that they store cookies on the user’s computer.

So, after reading this warning message, you will decide about visiting the website or leave the website if you are concerned about your privacy.

Category Social Media

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