Joomla! let us install the Content Management System with its default template named, “protostar” and let us choose a sample data set among 5 different options. On step 3, the “Finalization” step of Joomla! the installation process, users are asked to choose a sample data from the following options:
- None (Required for basic native multilingual site created)
- Blog English (GB)
- Brochure English (GB)
- Default English (GB), and
- Learn Joomla English (GB)

The sample data set fills different template areas with sample text and each data set you choose looks different from the other. So, this article will provide a reference to each look of the sample data with default Joomla! installation for the Joomla! starters. Let us dive into the discussion of each option below.
Generally Joomla! starter users need not choose this option. This is required only when you plan to create a native multi-lingual website using Joomla 3.x.x. Installing Joomla! with the “None” option selected will give your basic website with no other content on it, but, 3 modules, such as Breadcrumb, Main Menu, and Login module.

Blog English (GB)
When you choose to install Joomla! with the “Blog” option selected, the default template of Joomla! will take the typical form of a Blog website. This home page will feature a few latest articles sorted chronologically in reverse order, that is, the latest one will top the list. When you publish an article from Joomla! administration area, choose the “Yes” option to set your article as “Featured” and it will appear in the home page. On the right sidebar, three blog-related modules will appear, “Older Posts”, “Most Read Posts”, and an RSS feed module named “My Blog”. On the top-right side, there is a “Search” module to run a search in the content of your blog.

Brochure English (GB)
Joomla!’s brochure sample data will fill the default Joomla! template with one article on the front page as we generally see in a typical brochure website. This article will contain descriptive text about your product. 🙂 There is a sidebar on the right side to host two modules. A custom-type module provides some information, and the other module provides a login system for your users.

Default English (GB)
When you choose “Default” sample data, Joomla! will provide a template with sample data that resembles with the Brochure sample data.
But, Default sample data provide “Popular Tags” and “Latest Articles” modules along with a “Login” module. On the top-right side, there is a Search module also.

Learn Joomla English (GB)
As the title of this option implies, Learn Joomla! sample data tries to demonstrate to a Joomla! starter user how Joomla 3.x.x works. It looks much like Blog sample data. On the front page, it shows four featured articles, one article out of four takes all the spaces horizontally, and remaining three articles titled, “Beginners”, “Upgraders”, and “Professionals” take up three columns. The sidebar on the right shows three modules, “About Joomla!”, “This Site”, and “Login” modules. First, two modules show two Menu module which hosts links to some articles.

This article is intended to provide information for ready reference for the Joomla! enthusiasts who do not need to memorize which sample data they need to install and the look of each sample data in the default template of Joomla 3.x.x.
Hope it will come in handy 🙂
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